Saturday 27 June 2015


For anyone not living under a rock, the Supreme Court rocked the United States of America this past Friday - in the best possible way - when it ruled that the Constitution guaranteed the right to same sex marriage. [Whip out those rainbow hot shorts and let's get this party started!] In short, it deemed it a liberty that could no longer be denied – when you hear it in those terms, can you believe it took this freaking long? 

Justice Kennedy went on to say, and so eloquently I may add: “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.” Furthermore, he exclaimed that the plaintiffs in this case, those that have tirelessly championed for same sex marriage, were simply seeking equal dignity in the eyes of the law. I will say that again for those in the cheap seats: 'equal dignity in the eyes of the law.'

That last sentence is a mouthful and if one looks back through history those two huge words (equal dignity…I could say them all day) are not only the fundamental catalyst for change, but it’s a marvel we still have to demand such a basic right. The suffragette movement, the civil rights movement, the feminist movement...all inspired by the same exact driving force, equal rights and dignity for all. It’s utterly shocking it has taken our country – or any for that matter – to grasp this concept and extend it to its citizens. But then again, we fight hard for ahem, positive things like guns and annihilating universal health care, why on earth would we expect a nation to grant all of its citizens equal rights.

And for most part, this past week, the rainbow flags are soaring, tears are flowing, and the widespread approval can be heard from coast to coast; even – gasp – support for this decision crossing party lines (oh M. McCain, you rock). But then of course, there are the dissenters who simply can’t grasp that we as a nation are going to progress, and I'm sure they're sitting in a shack somewhere clinging to their confederate flag, screaming, 'why god, why!' And for that matter, not only progress, but that our constitution be allowed, or is actually designed to evolve as we as a people evolve. As I simply can’t say at as eloquently as Justice Kennedy has:

“The nature of injustice is that we may not always see it in our own times. The generations that wrote and ratified the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment did not presume to know the extent of freedom in all of its dimensions, and so they entrusted to future generations a charter protecting the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we learn its meaning.”

It’s quite a beautiful sentiment, and one that I think we should all heartily reflect upon. We are a different society now than decades past (like it or lump it); we now (hopefully all) understand that love is love, no matter whom you love, and every couple should be entitled to the same rights, benefits, and stability that marriage provides. Cause in truth, there is no argument anymore that stands up against same sex unions. Not from where I’m standing. From the religious standpoint (or argument), it is far time we understand that the seed of any religion is love (and I’m not talking about organized religion which is sprung from a far more insidious thing). And whether you pray to Buddha, Allah, or Jesus, I’m pretty sure none of those three care who you love, as long as there is love in your heart. Jesus hung with lepers and prostitutes for god sakes while guzzling wine, the man (as far as I can remember back to my Catholic school days) wanted us to love - not hate and discriminate. And as far as those dissenters that say ‘marriage is sacred.’ Well, we heterosexuals have proved that it’s about as sacred as a trip to Vegas for a quickie divorce. In fact, we have treated it so poorly, that it’s a wonder why we want to keep it all to ourselves.

SO, change is here people, and it’s covered in a rainbow flag. So get on board, realize that we’re now a melting pot of a country where no matter what shape size, colour or creed, love is the only thing you should need to get a marriage license (but of course women still earn less in this proud country of ours) and for that matter, two grooms  (or two brides) can sit upon a wedding cake. If you don’t like it, don’t do it yourself, but put a sock in it, cause rights are rights. And if you want yours, then your gay neighbor is entitled to his.
Copyright © 2014 Anthea Anka - Delighted And Disturbed