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Friday 21 June 2013


We lost another icon in the entertainment world, or so I thought anyway. At the all too young age of 51, James Gandolfini suffered a heart attack in Rome. [When I go, I wouldn’t mind going in Rome after a nice Italian meal, but I certainly don’t want to rush things]. It’s pretty commonly accepted that James Gandolfini helped create (credit of course must also go to David Chase, the Sopranos creator) one of the greatest characters in television history. I mean let’s be honest, there is and always will be, only one Tony Soprano. 

It’s a curious thing when icons of our generation die, no matter what profession they are a part of; and you start to realize that it means far more to people than simple empathy for an individual's passing (not to trivialize Mr. Gandolfini’s very significant passing as my heart simply aches for his young children and new wife). Suddenly, it starts to represent the passing of time, the aging if you will of a generation that has watched these icons deliver some of their best work (in whatever fields they happen to inhabit) and we all collectively start to feel how precious time is. I mean, we all know this. We talk about this, but truly feeling it and digesting it is altogether a different story. Ah denial, it's a powerful beast.

In terms of television and film there is a sort of ownership that tends to happen in regards to the characters from these mediums. Obviously, as an audience we don’t know these public figures personally aside from their work as actors and from the interviews they give; we hear from their colleagues etc. that they are magnanimous individuals, generous, wise, kind, colorful, whatever the adjective, and we can do with that as we will. But for the general public, we watch these people bring characters to life that become part of our zeitgeist. Whether or not you relate to the character, you find something of relevance to you, and with every weekly tune in, an attachment grows, a memory and emotion is built around it, and you start to believe that Tony Soprano is actually sitting in New Jersey in his bathrobe as he stuffs his face as he hollers across the house at Carmella (that's if the show is THAT good. this is not going to happen with...well a show like, Charmed for instance), and damn it, you like it that way. Or I do anyway, but then again, I have a very active imagination.

The other thing that strikes me when an icon dies is not only the hole they will leave in terms of their contribution to the arts (or medicine, politics (haaaaa) or science etc.), but who will replace them? Will anyone be able to replace them? In the day and age of reality television and franchise films, it seems hard pressed to think that we’ll have another batch of actors like the ones we’ve spent time with over the last forty years. I’d like to think a new Newman or Redford is going to sprout up (please sprout up in my living room if you would Mr. Redford), but I very much doubt it. It’s a different age, a different landscape and the entertainers of today are of a very different ilk. Ahem. Very different.

I’ve talked about the air of mystery - and importance for an actor to possess this elusive quality - many times before, and in the case of James Gandolfini, he definitely had it. He seemed to keep to himself, have a loyal set of friends throughout his life and was not running off to do a reality show any time soon (ohhh thank god for that). On the contrary, you simply waited to see what work he would throw himself into and sat back to enjoy the spoils. And god damn could that man deliver. So in the name of Mr. G, a great icon, I am going to fire up some past episodes of the Sopranos – for those of you that never have watched, get to it, it’s some of the greatest writing and acting you’ll ever witness. While the other part of me sits here hoping that in the next decade we’re not simply left with a batch of pre-pubescent celebrities that can’t even spell gravitas, let alone possess it.

“Don’t Stop Believin’” people. 

Happy Friday. 

Tuesday 18 June 2013


A recent story has been making the international rounds about the art mogul, Charles Saatchi and his wife, Nigella Lawson, a famous chef here in England (and now soon to be in the United States). In short, for those of you not bit by the viral media bug, they were photographed having lunch a few weeks back at an outside table and were in mid argument. During this fight he put his hands around her throat several times and pinched her nose (it was not a playful little tweak I assure you, and she looks like a berated child as he twists the end of it). She is clearly crying in the photographs and looks visibly upset. And the kicker, in the midst of all this, the other patrons in the restaurant as well as the staff (and the photographer) just sit there and watch this all take place. Cause why do something when you can just sit there like a bunch of lazy sods and watch a woman get choked at the next table over.

There are truly so many things about this story that disturb me it’s hard to know which one to start with, but let’s go with the obvious. Ladies, if a man (any man)..your husband of 10 years (as in the case of Saatchi), your boyfriend, the flipping bus driver, I mean anyone, puts his hands around your neck in the middle of an argument, HE’S THE WRONG man. Secondly, if you let this said man put his hands around your neck, and you just sit there doing nothing instead of slugging him in the jaw like Jason flipping Bourne, you need to have a long, serious conversation with yourself. You’re a woman. You’re profoundly powerful. Get in touch with that feeling, figure out how to put your self esteem back in order (I’m not saying this is easy, it’s a journey, but one very worth taking) and get the hell out of there.

The pig, aka Charles Saatchi (thought this new moniker had a nice ring to it) issued a statement following the incident and said, and I quote (cause I couldn’t make this stuff up), they were just having ‘a playful tiff’ and he was just ‘emphasizing his point’ (with his hands around her neck) during their argument. I’m thinking that point was, I’m a pig and I like to choke women in broad daylight. He also claims that they made up soon thereafter and his wife was only crying cause she doesn’t like to fight (or be humiliated in public by her pig husband who was choking her). The even sadder fact is that apparently they often fight like this and their friends say they have a very 'passionate' relationship. Oh my god, do I hate this euphemism when used to describe a relationship. Flamenco dancing is passionate. The English Patient is passionate. A man's hands around your throat is not passion people, it's violence. 

The police were obviously alerted to the photographs and questioned Mr. Saatchi, who attempted to calm the waters by valiantly saying (that is sarcasm people, please know that it’s sarcasm) that he volunteered to talk to the police about the pithy incident (his sentiments not mine) and that his wife had filed no complaint. He was of course let off with a caution because he’s a billionaire white man dining at a posh restaurant and god forbid they ruffle the very rich waters. Sorry am I sounding jaded? Cause I'm thinking that if we saw 'John Q Minority Public' choking his wife at KFC, trust me, there would be some serious shit coming down from ol’ Scotland Yard.  

His wife, by the way, has left their marital home with her two children (from another marriage). I am praying this is because she's finally seen reason. I mean honestly, what must those poor children be thinking and feeling in regards to their mother and how she lets herself be treated is beyond me (King, please take note, I will never put you in this position). Am I judging, yes, for certain. But when it comes to domestic violence, for me there is no shade of gray. There is no, 'he just did this or he just did that, but he really didn’t mean it.' There is no, 'he was choking me, but his grip wasn’t that hard.' There is only, a wrong and a right, and any man laying a hand on a woman, well I’m hoping you know what box that falls in. So Mr. Saatchi, my advice to you, spend less money on overpriced, over-hyped art installations and more on a damn good shrink. Cause boy do you need it. 

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