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Saturday 3 April 2010


Easter is a funny thing....well for me anyway. Every year, I have to be honest, I can never work out when exactly it is. Maybe it has got something to do with the fact that I'm so eager for spring, March blurs into April and I really don't care what date it is, as long as the sun is out. [I live in a climate with actual seasons, these things matter]. The other more pressing factor could be that I am about as agnostic as it gets (I've decided the goddess of nature is the closest thing to getting my vote these days. With no clear cut tenets to follow aside from 'please treat me with respect.' That I can get down with). There I said it. I feel some of you shrinking away quietly whispering 'heathen' under your breath. [Mom, I hear you]. 

It is definitely not something I am shy about. In fact, on the contrary, on most days I want to shout it from the rooftops, "I don't believe in institutionalized religion of any sort, and for the most part, I believe it has caused MANY more problems that it has solved!" But common sense has thankfully - and finally - kicked in at this age, and I know there are certain topics that one just is better off staying away from: politics, abortion, religion, to name a few. However, sometimes my restraint fails me, and I end up in some heated debate with someone who usually has a lot of passion - which I always appreciate - but not a lot of knowledge to back it up. I especially find this when it comes to politics ("seriously, you belong to a party you really know nothing about? fascinating"). 

Anyway, I digress. For me, Easter becomes about the long weekend, an egg here or there, and of course, the most important contribution: chocolate. If there is anything worth praying to or worshipping it is this. It gives back to you. It makes one a nicer, happier person: it makes you smile, share, swoon, and often think, gosh, this world is not such a bad place. I haven't come across too many things I can say that about. So while the rest of you fight it out over whose god is supreme and who is going up or down, and for what reason - oh the reasons are always the most amusing part - I will sit back, break off another piece of Green and Blacks, and suggest you highly consider walking the path of cocoa. Happy Easter.

Friday 2 April 2010


Anyone that knows me well will tell you that one of my favorite words in the English language is the word FREE. It makes me tingle. The possibility of it, the rewards, the sheer F.U. to the system, I’m getting something that I haven’t paid for. Fine, most things always come at a cost, even if it’s frustration or losing precious moments of your life, but in some cases, it’s worth it for free shit.

I’m not sure when my preoccupation for free things began. My Mom, bless her (in a secular way of course, don’t get me started), instilled within me a profound value for money. Where my father was the type to throw wads of money at you even to the point of annoyance if you didn’t take it, my mother was the barometer of taste and practicality. I have memories of the white sweater she would always insist we own as children, the greatest asset to any child’s wardrobe apparently. It went with everything, was easy to pack, and if you lost it, you better hide, that thing was worth its weight in gold.

I also grew up with tons of sisters - four to be exact. I have profound memories of coveting their stuff and waiting patiently until I got my hands on it. I didn’t even care if it was threadbare and out of fashion, it was mine, and it was free (although one of my sisters had the sense to start charging us for things. She always had an entrepreneurial spirit that one). Then I realized, there was so much in the world that one had to pay for, vs. the few things one could just have. Shameful and often embarrassing, but hey, are we all really expected to shell out full price for everything? That’s just bad economics. So a few sugar packets here, a toilet roll there….free tasters at delis - now there is a goldmine. Until of course I became a germaphobe and the notion of breathed on cheese made me want to puke.

As I got older, I soon discovered I was not the only one. There were many taking advantage of offers – and all of it, free! Free magazines, free one day passes to gyms, free samples of washing powder, perfume, lattes, condoms…you name it. And of course, there were the institutions built upon this notion. I mean can you get much better than the library. Suck on that Amazon, my books are FREE!

Okay, fine, I’m self possessed enough to admit that on some levels I may look cheap. But if I have extra money, I’m the first to shower it upon myself and those I love. But I figure in the new day of inflation, and airlines charging us for luggage, food, and even using the bathroom (they tried, but failed on this quest!), I say, the more free stuff the better. 


Do you ever stop and wonder how the hell you got here? Not in the biblical (or non biblical sense for all my fellow agnostics) sense of course. I’m hoping everyone at this point is caught up to speed on how they were made – if not, I’m seriously worried about the state of mankind. Well, more worried that I was before.

I’m talking about waking up and wondering how the hell your life ended up where it is. I suppose for some, the dawn of a new day reminds them that their life is pretty damn amazing (for those of you that fall into that category, don’t gloat, it’s rude). For others, like myself, I look back on my path and think, gosh, I thought I made the right choices. They all looked good on paper, they felt right more or less at the time, and yet here I stand, an aspiring writer (with some success to balance out the unbelievable slog) who is still deemed amongst her friends as the Queen of odd jobs. Yes, regrets I’ve had a few, but odd jobs, I’ve had A TON. But at least I can proudly say they have all been legal (a girl has got to have her dignity). Trust me, if I had the figure for it, I would’ve considered exotic dancing, those women make bank.

Let’s see, I’ve been a florist’s assistant – that didn’t last long as the damn thorns gave me so many cuts I thought seriously this is not worth it for things that will be wilted by the time I leave here. A catering waitress – many positives to this, one being free food whilst no one is looking, exercise (a tray full of canapés is a great bicep workout, trust me), meeting new people – although let’s be serious, unless my shirt was inadvertently missing the top two buttons, no party-goer is going to fraternize with the help. I’ve also worked in shops (the fray, now there is a challenging group of individuals. This of course tested my chameleon skills and I was amazed how quickly I could morph from designer girl – “those linen swatches are fabulous, aren’t they?” To therapist: “I promise you, in two months you’ll be back in your original jeans and your husband will be all over you.”

I’ve done physical labor, i.e. washed dishes (the hardest job I’ve ever had bar none, but in a sick way appealed to my OCD), walked dogs – anyone that knows me well will tell you how comical this is as I’m NOT a dog person. But I am however, a great actress, ‘oh my god, he’s adorable, I just love it when he licks the entire left side of my face.’ And of course, I have gone the nanny route, and watched children. The latter was by far the most tolerable and consistent. In many cases, the kids – once boundaries were drawn and we figured one another out – were much better company than grown adults. And I’m partial to children’s snack packs, (you see the running food theme here), so there was always goodies to share – “hey Louis, I’m starving, are you done with those raisins? Sharing is good.” Plus, I got to do fun and interesting things – having lunch with a three year old and discussing various types of sliced cheese can be damn amusing - that didn’t require sending a fax or fetching coffee for some lecherous boss that throws balled up bagels at you when you make an honest mistake, (and yes, I’ve been there too and stole plenty of office supplies. It helps retain one’s dignity). 

Then again, there were the few instances that led me right back to my question at the beginning, HOW THE HELL did it come to this? There was one night when, after hours of trying to settle a screaming child and having to stay on the floor next to his bed on the smelly carpet in my brand new silk/cashmere blend sweater (in the beginning I did actually try to look presentable) until he calmed down, that I realized I had not let the dog out in awhile. In all fairness, dogs are not my top priority when there is a child to keep alive. This one of course was very old, and infirm, and apparently needed to be let out and then stood over until it did its business. How I was supposed to do this, whilst watching the child was beyond me. So anyway, I go upstairs and the dog is moaning, looking near death curled up by the curtains. In the center of the room, on the cream carpet, is a giant steaming dump. The smell of course had overtaken the flat, and made me begin to gag. And it was in that moment, staring at the giant pile on the floor, that I thought to myself, I have a degree. I’m a bright girl. Seriously, where the hell did I go wrong?
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